Sunday 13 August 2023

To the Azores!

As the ICC rally was coming to an end we were faced with a challenge. Should we head North against the wind back to France or Galicia or Should we continue West in the direction of the Azores and then later benefit from the returning Trades back to Europe. We had time and so we decided to follow the latter pasth and we are so glad we did..


2023 saw us focussed on the Ocean Cruising Club (OCC) and their relationship with the Irish Cruising Club (ICC) The ICC wanted to celebrate the anniversary of one of their earliest members Conor OBrien (No apostrophe) who in 1923 started his voyage around the world, stopping off in Madeira en route for potatoes and wine! They put in place plans to celebrate the centenary and invited the OCC, consequently in the Winter of 2022/23 we were engage in a number of Zoom calls to participate in the planning of this great event. Click on the link below to see the article in the Yachting Press.