Wednesday, 17 August 2016

To lezardrieux backward

After a couple of lovely days in Treguier having caught the Wednesday market it was time to head down river at 06:10 to go further West the weather was of course Westerly. Before slipping out we had to negotiate a German Dragonfly Trimaran that had moored behind Seascape locking us in, almost! With a bit of ginger slacking of lines and a gentle prod from a boathook we slipped without waking our slumbering German neighbours who had sailed the previous day from Falmouth to Treguier. We also departed without casting them adrift.
East Cardinal off Lezardrieux un peu choppy
 The weather gods were now distinctly not playing the game with a view that the wind was due to back to SW I took a leap of faith and sailed out into the channel to be met with big grey lumps and a wind against tide to make the Solent proud. This was not going to be fun beating into heavy chop with grey green water slopping over the bow. Trebeurden was discussed and quickly disposed of with a preference instead for Lezardrieux which was even further East! What the hell at least we could sail downwind and I was decidedly happier to pop in to the Lezardrieux river and either anchor or moor up. A good decision as against forecast the wind rose again to 33k across the deck. Not fun!  
Quiet anchorage
It was simple to pick up a mooring in the river and enjoy a quiet and picturesque night well downstream of Lezardrieux with ready access to the channel for another go. So now we had another twenty miles added to our journey having gone east further than Treguier......doh

Friday, 5 August 2016

Prize Surprise

The phone rang the other day with good news! We're we aware we had won a spinnaker courtesy of the Cruising Association and Rolly Tasker Sails, well to be honest we could not remember entering any competition, apparently as new members of the CA or at least rejoining members we were eligible and selected as prize winners to win the aforesaid sail for a boat up to 40 feet.
Kiwi kite
How nice, so today we welcomed the UK distributor Annabel Shove,husband Alastair, Oliver and Henry on board for some publicity photographs which was lovely. Apparently we can expect our spinnaker in the Autumn, in the meantime we were given a rather nice bag and hat to be going on with. Here are a few pictures from our generous benefactors website 
The loft
  Let's hear it for  Rolly Tasker And of course the CA Cruising association web site